Finding the WOW Candidate

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Finding the WOW Candidate

Tanya Tamayo
California girl in Texas, enjoys learning about and experiencing other cultures – the history, the values and the food!

The employment market is changing, rapidly, and finding the perfect candidate is no easy task. 

Employers are looking for individuals who possess a combination of technical skills and personal qualities that align with the organization’s values and culture.    A growth mindset, genuine passion for their profession and a positive attitude are highly garnered personality hallmarks. 

Individuals are looking for companies that provide stability, offer work flexibility and opportunities for growth.   Organizations offering rich assignments, with minimal supervision and a high degree of autonomy while fostering an environment of inclusiveness and social responsibility speak to the needs of potential employees.  The perspectives between needs and wants is nearly divergent. 

Hey employers, the near perfect candidate is out there, really, they are.  It’s where you are looking and how you might entice them to join your team what we want you to focus on.  That’s another read for another day. 

Today, what you need to know is:  skills make a difference - TRUE.  When it comes to hiring, skills are the foundation on which success is built.  However, the right candidate goes beyond just having the “need right now technical” expertise.  The next-level candidate will possess a wide range of intrinsic strengths that enable them to adapt, collaborate and thrive in different situations.  The right candidate will have acquired knowledge for the job through education, training and/or hands-on experience to tackle assigned tasks and challenges in the moment.  The next level candidate will have the with capability and capacity to learn. 

Skills are crucial.  Skills can only take an employee so far.  A growth mindset is what drives an individual towards continual improvement and success.  Rather than shying away from challenges, the next level candidate may see opportunities for growth in every assignment.  The encounter of new, unique, different and even mundane tasks won’t scare them off.  In fact, there will be an energy in learning and leaning into something fresh and innovative.   

  • Case Study – An employer offered an employee a project to transition paper files to a fully electronic retention system.  The project, very tedious, required a high degree of attention to detail and offered the employee hours and hours of access to business strategy documents and countess writing samples.  Rather than complain about the amount of time spent scanning and indexing the files, the employee recognized the value in being able to see these documents that might have taken an entire career to develop.  There was value in completing the project and also value in understanding that employees have a hand in creating opportunities for growth.  The next level employee will understand that as fast as technology is evolving, lifelong learning will help them stay ahead of the curve in their industry.

Culture fit - some would say should be at the top of list when scoping out potential employees.   The next level candidate is not only skilled and accomplished, but also someone who aligns with the values and the culture of the organization.  The candidate will bring a genuine passion for their work along with a positive attitude.  Genuine passion for a job is a driving force that moves individuals to excel and a positive attitude is like a ray of sunshine in the workplace.  When faced with challenges or a setback, the candidate is more likely to approach the situation with optimism seeking solutions rather than dwelling on the problem.  When combined, these two qualities can fuel motivation as well as productivity. 

Finding the right now candidate can be a chore, finding the next level candidate is a quest.  The quest takes thoughtful and thorough evaluation, verification of abilities and alignment with the organization’s goals and values.  This process isn’t about ticking off all the boxes, it’s about seeing the possibilities and creating a plan that encourages growth for both the employer and the potential employee. 

“What got you here won’t get you there.” – Marshall Goldsmith.  Remember that!