Recharging at Work

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Recharging at Work


Shauna DeWitty

Constant seeker of knowledge, music and film aficionado, true crime enthusiast & self-crowned Queen of Binge Watching.

Do you ever have those days were you’re in conversation with your colleagues at lunch and all you can really contribute to the conversation is “I’m so tired today”? Does that seem to be your go-to phrase more days than not? Don’t worry; you are not alone. In fact, majority of people are feeling JUST like you! It’s really quite odd, but makes sense, why everyone is so tired. We are living in a society that is non-stop. Like, literally—not figuratively, non-stop.

Everything is at a constant rate and we never seem to just take a step back and give ourselves time to breathe and truly relax. Honestly, how are you relaxing with your phone in your hands, tv with top-tier surround sound on full blast, family in the background getting into all types of shenanigans? Even if you’re enjoying the latest TikTok trend captivating you at the moment, your body and mind are just being overly stimulated all the time and not getting the rest you need. Now, this isn’t necessarily going to be all about how to avoid screen time, but instead we can look at how to recharge our batteries, specifically at work to foster a better, more productive environment for employees. (Hint: less screen time is actually a great way to recharge, but we all know it and we’re not even open to take that suggestion, so let’s just move on…)

Going back to the lunch conversation between coworkers sounding like zombies at the table unable to string more than three cohesive sentences together without a random, unsolicited “I’m so tired” in the middle of a story—that can’t just be me who does that, right? Anyway, we are all just feeling so beat down and worn out as of late, even if our routine hasn’t really deviated very much. I would love to blame everything on the pandemic (because come on, it’s so easy to blame EVERYTHING on the never-ending, ever-present pandemic), but in truth, I believe the pandemic just gave everyone the chance to stop for a second and reevaluate what they’re spending their time on every day. We spend majority of our waking hours at work, and I don’t know about you, but sometimes that can get a little tiring from day-to-day, even if we have workplace environments that vary frequently. How can we get out of this rut?

  • First, take some time to really consider what is weighing everyone down? Is it personal, work-related or both? A lot of the time, it’s both, right? Even when things are going well in our career and personal lives, there are still stressors that bog us down even at our high points.
  • After you have a pretty good indicator of what’s causing the weariness, acknowledge it. And most importantly, acknowledge that there needs to be changes made to alleviate stress, specifically in the workplace. If everyone at work is feeling tapped out, and yes, everyone, indeed, is feeling tapped out,
  • Find fun/creative ways to help them put a little pep in their step. Not everyone will need the same type of motivators, but while engaging with employees, find out what helps them take a beat and find their feet on the floor when things get overwhelming. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to what can encourage workers, but giving people a couple of options may prove to be worthwhile if executed appropriately.

A recent growing trend in the office is offering alternative work schedules and hybrid work schedules. This option may not be cost-efficient or effective for some companies, so allowing employees a 10 to 15 minute break to step away or to Zen out in a dark room may be all someone needs to get their mindset straight and on track again. Try to consider allowing a simple, special perk like “casual Fridays” or fun events like “build your own nacho bar” for lunch in the folds of the seemingly mundane days of the week. This gives everyone a day they can look forward to and helps promote productivity if a treat is waiting for them. I mean, everyone knows that positive reinforcement can be very effective.

One final tip that can help boost employees’ moods around the workplace that is 100% free is adjusting your attitude and energy when coming into work. This is especially important in Leadership. To quote a great line from the iconic film, Remember the Titans, “Attitude reflects leadership, Captain”. But this is true even if you aren’t in a people-leading position, how you enter a space can change the mood of the people in the same area. Be mindful, if you’re bringing uninviting, negative energy or speech in the workplace, that can really infiltrate others’ state of mind.

So, in the spirit of this article, I believe in you, and you can definitely find the tools and strategies to help recharge employees in your place of work. You got this! Woo-ah!