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Leanne King
Business Crusader by day, gardener and general crafty person by night - committed to writing something.

I am a big fan of Dr. Seuss. The words are simple and the messages are easily understood. Here’s my tribute to Dr. Seuss and what he might say about a few catch phrases related to resumes.

Think Outside the Box

Why? Why not? What’s wrong with the box? Is the box new? Is the box old? Did you just get this box or did it used to belong to someone else? Recycled boxes can be fun too. Are you on the edge of the box or way outside the box? Are you in someone else’s box? If you are, you need to get out unless they have asked for help getting their box in order. Can you see from inside the box or do you only stick you head out when you hear someone coming down the hall?

The point is “the box” is the framework in which you operate – try being innovative, creative, dynamic and driven versus an outside the box individual.


Down? Down where? Not here, down there. Smaller? Shorter? Softer? What’s the point of being downsized? Right sized? Ostracized? Maybe! Consider the facts, were you let go in a down economy because of no new work? Were you part of a reorganization where there were no chairs left when the music stopped?

Your reasons for unemployment may require a certain bit of spin to ensure a potential employer is left with the most positive thoughts about you. However, honesty is the best policy. Be honest with yourself and the interviewer.


Big Picture. Big Vision. Big Head. Big Ego. Translation – Big word wants big money. Be careful of your ability to plan big and execute small or worse yet no execution at all.

Plan the plan, work the plan, evaluate the plan. Demonstrate your ability to do all three.

Obtain a Challenging Position

Do you really want to be unchallenged? Or is more like bored? Do you want to be creative or just use a little wit from time to time? Challenged by obstacles or in thought? Does your challenge need to be something significant enough to hold you in your place all day so that you have no desire to escape – so how big of a challenge do you really need? If by thought, is it by drinking the company Kool-Aid®, falling to the knees of your supervisor and crying out for more menial tasks or just simply to leave you alone all day with no human contact?

You would think everyone wants to hold a challenging position – kinda common. No need to mention the obvious, use the space for something else like addressing how your strengths can improve the bottom line.

References Available Upon Request

Really? Are you going to tell an employer no? Like, nana nana boo boo, you can’t see my references. If you really want to see them you have to ask me nicely and you will need to put your request in writing and sign a waiver of consent and understanding that you won’t share my glorious references with anyone else.

Come on, if an employer asks for references, you will fess them up and if you don’t you won’t be considered a viable candidate. My opinion, use the space for something worthwhile – like how you saved your last company time/money/resources.