Getting Back on Track

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Getting Back on Track

Tanya Tamayo
California girl in Texas, enjoys learning about and experiencing other cultures – the history, the values and the food!

We’ve all been there…each new year we set a vision for our career, a goal we want to achieve or new skill we want to learn. We get excited about the plan of action, the possibilities and the things to come only to be dragged away by every day responsibilities or because we hit a hurtle along the way. So naturally, we hit the pause button for a day. Before we know it that day turns into a week, a week turns into months until we eventually forget about our dreams.

The past couple of years have thrown their fair share of hurdles in front of us but if there is one thing I’ve learned from all those setbacks is, that it doesn’t make me a failure, it just simply means I’m human. So now the big question becomes, how do we get back into the groove? How did Stella get her groove back? (Just kidding couldn’t help myself.)

Anchor the Energy
But seriously, when we hit those bumps on the road, we need to learn how to bring it all back home and anchor the energy needed to achieve our purpose. One way to do this is to think of a success and trace that success back to when it started. Ask yourself, “when did the journey for that success start?”. For example, one of my proudest successes was obtaining my college degree in 2015. Then I mind travel back even further to the spring of 2011 and remember when a position I wanted, and had the experience for, was posted externally because I did not have the required degree. When I arrived home that day, I started researching colleges to enroll in. Looking back, I remember as a young girl, my mom talking to me about the importance of a college education and how she would be so proud for one of her to kids to be the first college graduate in our family. When we realize that previous goals may have been years in the making, we are more likely to keep going.

Celebrate Small Wins
Another way to get back into the groove (and stay in it) is to take time to celebrate the small wins. For example, I try to get at least 1 hour of exercise in every day. There are days when I only work out for 30 minutes, and that’s a win! There are days when I am done after 20 minutes - 20 minutes is better than no minutes. Then there are days when I only put on my workout gear. Hey I got up from the couch, high five to me! There will be moments of failure, there will be setbacks, and there will be days when it will be much easier to hit the couch and stare at the television. When you experience those days, try not to beat yourself down. When a momentary derailment occurs, instead of focusing on the negative, focus on the learning opportunities. It’s okay to have those days, we all do. Just remember to come back in a better mindset and celebrate the small wins.

When getting back into the groove, especially after the holidays, remember, taking two steps forward and one step back is still progress. Don’t forget to celebrate those small wins … you got up out of bed this morning and read this entire blog. That’s a great win at the start of your day, high five to you!